ColorizeNumber - Bodrum Papatya is a project to visualize numeric data.
ColorizeNumber - Bodrum Papatya helps you to visualize numeric data.
Release: Latest release
dotnet add package ColorizeNumber
// Data - 25 charachters
string dataText = "1122334455667788990012345";
// Data to Frame (25 byte length)
Frame frame = CreateFrameFromData(dataText, 5, 5, colorizeFunction: ColorizeFunc);
// Frame to Bitmap (5x5)
Bitmap bitmap = CreateBitmap(frame);
// Saving bitmap.
bitmap.Save("./ColorizeNumberTest.bmp", ImageFormat.Bmp);
// EasySaver.BitmapFile is providing saving methods for bitmap files.
// It automatically saves bitmap with specified naming formats.
// Save(Bitmap bitmap)
// SaveToFolder(Bitmap bitmap)
CreateFrameRandomly(int width, int height);
CreateFrameRandomly(int width, int height, RGBColor[] colorList)
CreateFrameRandomly(int width, int height)
RGBColor MyColorizeFunc(byte number)
if (number < 5) // If number is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 returns white color.
return new RGBColor(red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255);
else // If number is 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 returns black color.
return new RGBColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0);
GetRandomColor(RandomColorLimit limits)
[!TIP] To save reporting result easily, you can use EasySaver.BitmapFile.
dotnet add package EasySaver.BitmapFile
To check listed methods, example of output visit wiki page. ColorizeNumber Wiki
See Changelog
This repository is licensed under the “MIT” license. See MIT license.
If you’d like to contribute, then contribute. contributing guide.
Twitter: Enes Okullu @enesokullu